Familiar with Verizon and VHDL to design, implement, and test FPGA code.
Using simulation tools to perform functional verification and timing analysis
Need to debug and optimize FPGA designs using synthesis and place-and-route tools.
Work closely with other function-team engineers on system integration and testing
Document FPGA design specifications and test results
Support in-house design reviews and technical meetings
PhD, or MS with 3 years of industry work experience, or a BS with 5 years of industry work experience,in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or related field
Proficient in Verilog or VHDL
Familiar with Xilinx or Altera FPGA products and development environments
knowledge of PCIe, DDR2/DDR3, SPI, I2C, UART, Ethernet
Knowledge with industry camera interface (Camera Link, GigE Vision, etc.) is a plus
Knowledge of digital signal processing algorithms and techniques is a plus