Submit your CV

Please complete the below form and attach a CV to apply

iN Search Management Consultants Co., Ltd. hereby guarantees to strictly abide by the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and fulfill its related obligations. With respect to the personal information, family information, and recommender information you provided, we assure you that it will only be use it for the purposes related to our company’s human resources operations and within the scope permitted by relevant laws, including collecting, processing, and utilizing the data. According to the law, you have the right to (1) inquire or request access to your personal data; (2) request the production of a copy; (3) request the supplement or correction; (4) request the cessation of collection, processing, or utilization; (5) request the deletion. If you wish to exercise the aforementioned rights, you can contact the administrative personnel of our Human Resources Department at email; telephone: (02)7755-3368 and inform them of the personal data you provided. You can also request us to stop using your personal information or to stop contacting you. If iN Search needs to collect, process, or utilize your personal data for the aforementioned reasons, you are free to choose whether to provide it. However, if you choose not to provide or provide incomplete information, iN Search may not be able to provide comprehensive services due to its responsibilities in talent screening and recommendation.

Dear job seeker, thank you for using the job-seeking services of iN Search Management Consultants Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “iN Search”) and providing your personal information. iN Search is committed to strictly safeguarding your privacy rights and personal data security. You may refer to the following privacy policy:

  • iN Search has signed confidentiality agreements with all staff, encompassing the personal information you provided. iN Search will fulfill its duty to maintain confidentiality.
  • To protect your privacy and personal data, iN Search will diligently and rigorously screen corporate clients.
  • iN Search will securely protect your personal information and communication and store them in a secure database.
Your Rights Your Responsibilities
With fully autonomy to choose to accept or reject job vacancies recommended by IN Search.
You have the right to the protection of personal data.
Job-seeking advice and consultation services.
Understanding of information related to recommended positions.
Receiving notifications of the final recommendation results.
Obligated to provide accurate and genuine information.
Cooperate with the recruitment consultant in arranging recommended processes.
Required to value each interview opportunity and be punctual.
Show respect towards yourself, companies, and consultants, acknowledging their respective responsibilities.
Information related to job referrals shall be treated with strict confidentially.